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Bill Steinkirchner, a retired Army Colonel, established Stone Church Brewing in 2013. His enjoyment, participation, research and development in the craft brew industry spans more than two decades. He has traveled extensively around the world logging in almost 1,000  microbreweries throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, South Korea and even Mongolia. Specializing in India Pale Ales, Pale Ales, and Belgian-Style Tripels. Bill was awarded a gold medal for his IPA and a silver medal for his Belgian-Style Tripel during the Inaugural Orange Show Beer Festival 2014.

David Barone,  partner and Director of Brewing Operations at Stone Church Brewing, is a graduate of California State University Fullerton. Dave’s passion for brewing has earned him several awards including Best in Show at the Norco Fair for the past three years and a Bronze Medal from Hanger 24 for his Red Rye IPA.

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